Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am Done...or am I?

Well this is it. The 40 day fast is complete today at about 8 pm. I find myself a little sad, I have really enjoyed my time with God during these last forty days. It has been intense prayer at times, with scripture easing my feelings, and it has been some hard hitting passages convicting me into a more focused spirituality. Whatever, it has been good for me to do this.

I forgot to mention it earlier that during the 40 I was also reading "Presence Centered Youth Ministry". which really could have been called Presence Centered Life. The book took me back to some very early if not first century practices of the first church. This coupled with the forty days really sent me over the edge spiritually speaking. I wholeheartedly recommend you at least trying a prolonged fast, it has been a HUGE blessing in my life.

So lets break it down; I have roughly estimated lost 45 lbs. I have been able to start the habit of writing in a journal, been able to slow down my bible reading pace to a more digestible speed, and have been ready willing and able to share my experience with others...and so far that has birthed at least 4 people interested in getting off the pew and ignite their spiritual life.

See if this is for you, pray to Lord to guide you and prepare you for what He has is store for you to do............THEN DO IT!

One final thought; starting next week I will fast for one day every week, in the spring....I will hit another 40. It has been that good of a thing for me.


David H. Willis said...

Thanks for sharing the journey bro. Very interesting & thought provoking.

Rick said...

Dude, you should try it, very eye opening. It is up there with going on Mission trips for me.

We need to get together!!!