Monday, August 31, 2009

Amazing Journey

Before I get started I do have to apologize for not writing any sooner than my last post. The Lord has seen fit to bless my family and I with our very first home and the lost of my wife's job with Raymond James Financial. The kids have gone back to school; Ricky began the 8th grade and my daughter Ally has entered Kindergarten. So with all this transition taking place I found myself a bit up heaved (if that is really a word).

A friend recommended a book called Starving Jesus awhile ago, I have not been able to read until recently. The book urges the readers to get off the pew and into the world. It asks, 'Is Sunday the only time we are to be Christians?' The book was and is a definite call for the christian to take action. Now as I was reading the book the Lord saw fit to show me a few things. It seemed everywhere I looked I was being hit with the message of fasting. To make matters worse Starving Jesus even has a huge message to fast and to humble yourself before the Lord.

I was to the point that I was asking God, God are you telling me to fast? I was having serious conversations with Him about the subject. Sure I have given things up in the past, I done the 30 Hour Famine with youth groups for years. But what was so hard to swallow (pun intended), God was putting the challenge forward that I should fast for 40 days (juice and water only). You see the authors of Starving Jesus (Craig Gross, J.R. Mahorn) are the xxx church guys. As they were embarking on a new ministry venture they coupled it with a 40 day fast. It is an amazing story, one in which I will hope you will read one day. They guys are doing some amazing things in the name of Jesus. I am blown away by their abandon to always strive to do what God tells them to do and the areas He has taken them.

Oh by the way...I am on day 16 of a 40 day fast.